I can not thank the PT4U team enough for their invite to a day with David Honl and for David for taking the time to spend with us. It was extremely inspiring and great to be out of my comfort zone (usually in the studio)
We were all lucky enough to spend the afternoon outside (In the very wet and cold Wales conditions) with David and some of his great accessories (The Honl Speed Grid and the Honl Traveller8 Softbox - both are now on my to buy list!)
Here are just a few of the images captured on the day....
I can not wait to purchase these products and get out on location with my camera and a model to play with the effects even more.
Thanks again to David and the PT4U team.
If your a photographer and want to see our day with David Honl make sure you check out PT4U and register as a member, its not live yet but will be in the future, and there are some great films to watch while you wait.