Monday, 17 March 2014

THINK bike and a crazy early start

Last week for some reason I decided to get up at 4am and go out to photograph in the amazing fog we had.

Thinking about what I wanted to produce from this crazy hour, I decided to work on an image with the THINK bike theme.  Not having my own motorbike yet, I wondered how I could produce this.  With a last minute grab of my lid, thinking I will play with this and see what I can get.

At 5am I was out at the back of my studio working with the street lights, and flood lights on buildings that really brought out the thick fog.

Getting up at a crazy hour was well worth the effort with the image produced below... I hope that as this gets shared the power of the image will help the message spread THINKBIKE

 for all the fallen bikers, our friends, our family.